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Imagine Education Australia has partnerships with some of Queensland’s biggest universities to support alternative pathways to higher education. Southern Cross University and the University of the Sunshine Coast offer pathways programs, providing an articulation pathway for students to meet the entry requirements for university. This is a great pathway for students aged 16 and over who are too mature for an Australian high school but too young for university.


After studying at Imagine, you may choose to further your study in another field. By studying selected courses at Imagine Education, you can gain direct credit or advanced standing in a number of Australian universities, including Southern Cross University. For more information, please contact us.


IMPORTANT NOTE: This in no way implies a guaranteed place in a university or high school program. Individual applications must be approved by the applied University or School.




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Southern Cross University

Southern Cross University’s Gold Coast campus has views of the Pacific Ocean from many vantage points in the campus’ buildings.The campus includes a student services hub, designed to provide a one-stop shop for student support and enquiries. The library offers stunning views of the ocean and Gold Coast hinterland. Other facilities include innovative learning spaces, health science laboratories, lecture theatres with live video broadcasting, computer labs and student lounges.

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University of the Sunshine Coast (USC)

USC is one of Australia’s fastest growing universities, serving the Sunshine Coast and extended region from north Brisbane to the Fraser Coast. Students benefit from a friendly and supportive campus environment, access to highly qualified teaching staff, personal attention, and modern technology and facilities. Study choices are wide and degrees are complemented by opportunities to gain practical experience and travel overseas.

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